Berlin’s public prosecutor’s office and its police are terror organizations.
Paul Brandenburg

Berlin’s public prosecutor’s office and its police are terror organizations.

It was almost a year ago. That’s when three “special units” of the Berlin police in combat gear stormed three apartments: my brother’s, my mother’s and my own. Just on the “Day of the Constitution“, May 23, 2022, they were there on alleged mission against me as a felon who is said to possess weapons of war. With these, the officers said, I would allegedly train terrorists. I would organize “shooting trainings” for “right-wing radicals” and other “delegitimizers” of the ruling regime. There must have been over fifty officers who spent the entire day searching these three apartments and their associated basements; as well as an office in faraway Leipzig. The policemen left behind destroyed doors and furniture. They stole telephones and computers and my brother’s and my own firearms, all of which were legal. They insulted, abused and mistreated two women over seventy, my brother and myself.

20,000 euros in damage caused by terrorist actions so far

The damage caused by the terror units on that day, sums up to over 20,000 euros. They forced me to take a mugshot, to undergo “identification service treatment” with the taking of fingerprints, photos and measurement of shoe size, among other things. The taking of a “genetic sample“, so they told me, they were only permitted to “offer” me – without “physical coercion”, which is also what the law wants. Why the special police officers still adhered to this law, of all things, remains their secret. The “genetic sample“, in any case, was for some unknown reason one of the things that was not taken from me that day. The outcome of the “special operation” on this day, the findings of evidence, traces and the sum of possibly prevented crimes is a grand total of: Zero. They found no “weapons of war” and no other illegal firearms. They found no “networks,” no dubious contacts, or even the slightest evidence of “shooting training” or other preparations for all the things that the conspiracy theorists in the Berlin secret police must have spun up. To this day, they nevertheless “search” my “confiscated phones and computers” and refuse to hand them over, as well as my brother’s and my own weapons.

Informants from within

According to several informants from the regime’s apparatus, not only the “investigation” of the devices stolen from me continues. According to these informants, both the “Staatsschutz” of the Berlin police and the so-called “Verfassungsschutz” of this country are shadowing and eavesdropping on me around the clock. Members of the Berlin state parliament were informed by this secret service that “Paul Brandenburg” was the “head” of a network of enemies of the state and one of the “most dangerous threats” for this state at all. “Evidence” for this claim would “not yet be available”, but that was only “a question of time”. A official report about this was never published for it is supposed to be “confidential”. My formal request for information, invoking data protection and personal rights, was “temporarily rejected” – the reason for this: It would take at least another eight months until the secret service could tell me what exactly they had “stored” about me. The reason for this delay was work overload. They thanked me for my understanding.

Not only the secret services, but also the public prosecutors and their other terror aides are empty-handed and disgraced to the bone. The “identification service treatment” by the police was of such blatant illegality that already the authority’s own objection office had to order the deletion of all forced data and admitted the breach of law. Even more: The public prosecutor Robert Kohly, who was responsible for the terrorist operation, could later not hide that the alleged “war weapons violations” were based on no other “findings” than an anonymous revenge letter of a frustrated ex-employee of my company. He fabricated absurdities in such a clumsy simplicity that even Mr. Kohly could not deny at a cursory glance who and for what reason this was obviously fabricated and spread. The fabrication was so evident, that prosecutor Kohly could not avoid taking up investigations on „his own initiative against this ex-employee. had he not done this: The intention of the public prosecutor office would have become all too obvious. Why Mr. Kohly, however, ignored all the obviousness of the false accusations until after his terrorist operation remains a question he hardly wants to answer publicly. One may assume that the Attorney General lacks any motivation to make an indictment against me for this reason alone.

Twenty-seven pages of contrived accusations

Any attempt at an indictment would be obscene anyway, and immediate termination would be long warranted. But this would mean that the acts of the state terrorists would become official. They therefore keep delaying the whole process by all means. And if they have one inexhaustible resource while doing so, it is unscrupulousness and stupidity. For the measurement of the latter, the name of one man above all others suggests itself: that of the detective inspector Wallbach. That Wallbach is currently posing as the “Volkssturm”. As the last posse of his masters, whose backs could not be closer to the wall. Like his predecessor in the office of my “personal detective”, Mr. Wallbach belongs to the department of the so-called “Staatsschutz” of the Berlin State Criminal Police Office. His predecessor, detective Watzek, was a policeman who constructed a twenty-seven page long paper to prove me guilty of a “right-wing extremism crime”. This allegedly consisted in the fact that I illustrated my text “New Normal Reich” ( with an eagle and a heart. Detective Watzek finally received the said twenty-seven pages back from his public prosecutor by return of post – supplemented by yet another page. On it, the public prosecutor noted in a brief three lines that “nothing relevant” was to be recognized in all that had been presented by the detective.

Police “measures” did not lead to “lifestyle conforming to standards”

It may be due to achievements like these that detective Watzek was replaced by detective Wallbach, whom I propose as the eponym of a new scale. Detective Wallbach seems to be aiming at surpassing his predecessor in simplicity. Wallbach is the initiator and the only witness of a new accusation that is now being constructed against me by the very prosecutor who sent Wallbach’s predecessor home so harshly: a gentleman by the very German name “zum Kolk”. Detective Wallbach presented this public prosecutor with a new “collection of evidence”, which he begins with exactly the matter presented by his predecessor – which had been rejected before by Mr. zum Kolk. And detective Wallbach does not spare himself to close this collection of evidence with an open admission of the actual motives of the acting terror authorities:

“The executive measures based on the suspicion of violating the War Weapons Control Act […] have not contributed to a deradicalization and a norm-compliant way of life [of Mr. Brandenburg]. Rather the opposite is the case and Mr. Brandenburg is celebrated as a martyr within the scene after his report on the measures and he was able to increase his reach.”

From detective Wallbach’s “collection of evidence”

The scale for measuring police stupidity could not bear a more appropriate name than that of Kriminalkommissar Wallbach. As it seems now, detective Wallbach will soon have to present himself to the interested public. The reason being that his accomplice, prosecutor zum Kolk, had obtained a penalty order over 3.000 Euros against me in the mentioned matter – which I of course have objected against. According to the mechanics of German criminal law it will now come, with some probability, to an oral hearing before the court. Detective Wallbach will probably have to appear as a witness and Mr. zum Kolk will have to justify the latest maneuvers of his office. I will, of course, make all possible data public in advance.

Why would a public prosecutor steer into almost certain defeat in such a way? Why does he allow an imbecile to compile “evidence” for him, which he himself has already rejected as unsuitable? Only one explanation suggests itself: Desperation. Desperation in the face of the imminent embarrassment of all the terror aides involved in the matter of their “special mission” on the “Day of the Constitution”. And as they say: In court and on the high seas, one is in God’s hands. The public prosecutor’s office may be pinning all its hopes on being able to divert attention from its inevitable disgrace by achieving a conviction against me in some other minor matter. After all, all it needs is some judge who, in some matter on some day, does not look so closely and sentences the “enemy of the state” at least in a first instance. Then they would at least have a day to hide and close their “war weapons investigation” in a comparatively silent way.

This is why I expect more and more absurd accusations against me by the public prosecutor and their henchmen of the New Normal Reich. All its terror helpers in the secret services, the police, and the court however I assure: I will publish all files as well as all names of all perpetrators. These names and these files are neither on my computers or telephones nor in any other way in my apartment or in my possession. However, they are safe with a large number of people who guarantee that everything will be made public. It will be made public immediately in the case of my disappearance – be it because of detention or any other surprising event.

In German: Die Wallbach-Skala (

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